Wednesday Links: Why You Cook, and Why You Order Ginger Ale on a Plane

24th Feb 2010

[Photo from]

Welcome to Wednesday Links. This is our weekly collection of four of the most interesting food links we've discovered in the past week. Enjoy!

Why Do People Always Order Ginger Ale When They Fly?
This neglected soda is astonishingly popular on planes.

Why I Cook
Michael Ruhlman asks himself and others: why do you cook?  The responses are thoughtful and fascinating.

When It Comes to Salt, No Rights or Wrongs. Yet.
Does eating less salt really make you healthier? This article challenges the long-unimpeachable mantra that less salt is always better.

Mispronounced Foodie Words
This handy guide from Chicago Tribune's The Stew can help with some tricky menu items. Plus! Check out this addition from Grub Street Chicago . I've had trouble with this one:

Espresso : ess-PRESS-oh (there's no "ex" sound)


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