The Paupered Chef Redesign

7th Apr 2009


Welcome to the new Paupered Chef design!

Over the last month or so, both of us have scratched our heads figuring out how to move our blog from Typepad to Wordpress, and in the process redesign the site.  After a lot of research, tinkering, and a huge helping hand from a company called Foliovision who helped us with the transfer, we're now safe in our new, Wordpress-hosted home.  Biggest thanks to Alec, Martin, and everyone over at Foliovision.

So what's new?

The Design. A Wordpress theme called Thesis was one thing that attracted us to Wordpress. It made designing the site a quarter as hard, with elegant spacing, typography, and really powerful tools for customization.You'll see that our post column is a bit wider than it used to be, so pictures are clearer and (obviously) bigger.  You can also click on pictures for a better view -- click on a post and then some pictures; they'll float above the screen in a pleasant slide-show view for careful consideration.  We have Foliovision to thank for this.

Better Archives. Instead of a mess of an archive page, the content is now organized by categories, tags, and date, hopefully making the time spent here easier to get around.

Content Pages. Speaking of archives, as time goes on we'll be adding new content pages like our Travel Page , where we collect archived content in ever easier-to-find places.  Look for pages on making burgers , curing meat , and whatever else we're cooking and thinking about.

Recent Features. The sidebar to the right showcases our recent favorite posts.

Twitter. We've also both succumbed to Twitter, and have installed a feed in the sidebar where both our tweets are collected.  Find us as blakeroyer and nickdk .  We'll be bantering away about mostly food, and hopefully starting a few arguments.

Facebook. Add Paupered Chef as a friend on Facebook !  He's super friendly.

Amazon store. It's sparse now , but look for a collection of our favorite cookbooks, kitchen tools, and cookware at some point in the future.

We welcome your comments on the site, what's working, what isn't, and ideas for how to improve it.  We hope it is -- and becomes -- easier to navigate, easier to read, and easier to respond to.

Update for RSS readers : If you're reading this post as an RSS feed and find yourself unable to access our actual site, be patient. A couple people have had issues and it's likely due to the fact that we've switched hosts, and it takes awhile for the site to populate everywhere.  Thanks for your patience.


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